Monday, June 4, 2012

A New Normal (For Now)

It is an exhausting task, getting used to Physical Therapy and the daily routine.  Not sure what the plan is right now, but the Doctor is considering limiting visiting hours for a little while.  At least until Vaughan gets to feeling more like his old self.  Please keep praying that God will give daily strength for daily needs.     'His Mercies are New Every Morning'  (Lamentations 3:23)

1 comment:

  1. Steve and I are so so sorry to hear about what has happend to Vaughan. We were so shocked and so sorry we didn't hear of it earlier. We are so thinking of all of you and pray that Vaughan will make a speady recovery. He is such a nice man and so well thought of. We pray for all of you guys! Please continue to keep us posted! Sue Grau and Steve DeWolfe
